Thursday, July 02, 2009

Challenge 228--something that makes me laugh

I started collecting quotes from work when I started my part-time job last August. Some are from me and some are from the fun people I work with. Sometimes I will recall one of these quotes and the events related to it, and I often laugh out loud at the memory. Ok, maybe I'm easily entertained, but I do have some great people to work with. And so, to them, L, L, J and M, this post is for you.

And this poem is for them, too. A friend shared it with me years ago. I do not recall the author.

God, Hurrah! Part 3

Lord, we are glad for those who laugh

Who can be heard in a crowd having fun

Who have words of joy when visited

Who will smile or wink across the room at a meeting.

Lord, we are glad for those who laugh

Who will find a joke to tell to break the gloom

Who will turn to the comic strips though the headlines are grim

Who will carry hope in their eyes through the tears.

Lord, we are glad for those who laugh

Who say it is alright when it looks bad

Who are not afraid in the dark

Who know for sure God lives!

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