Some sketches from the mall while waiting for the girls. I considered trying to draw for the challenge to draw someplace I haven't been before, and I WAS sitting in the new eaterie at the mall, which was new for me, but it is so pathetic, I'm not counting it. I did enjoy sketching people and I thought of the drawing in public "revolution" and what if I were at the mall and noticed someone sketching me? Would I sit still for a few minutes for them, pretending not to know I knew they were sketching me? Would I take out my sketchbook and draw them? How subtle am I when I draw others? Do they know?

It made me a bit unnerved, to tell the truth. Enough thinking. Just draw. Secretly.
you have caught the postures of the women looking at her mobile? and the man with toddler so well. I really like those two
I love your drawing of the display of stuff at the mall and the people doing their various things. It's not easy, I know, since they keep moving before you're finished but you did a great job.
I've become quite bold about drawing people but do try to be sensitive if someone notices and seems uncomfortable--but suprisingly that almost never happens. Once I noticed a woman with a sketchbook facing me but at the other end of the train car I was on. I don't think she saw my sketchbook and so didn't realize I was sketching her too. It was a strange feeling, especially when she used my same tactic of pretending not to be looking at me but over my shoulder, when our eyes met. I was tempted to cross the car to connect with her but she got off before I got the courage.
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