Today the girls and I went to Starbucks for "the usual", and when we tried to pay, we were told that the car behind us was paying for our order. We didn't recognize the car, so I got out to see who it was. It was a man and his daughter. The man pointed to my bumper sticker and said, "Your son is a Marine. This is on me." I thanked them. What a sweet thing to do! I'll have to tell my son.
This is a grande iced tea, a wonderful cold drink when it is so hot outside.
I have heard of people doing nice things for our troops, but this is a first for this Marine mom.
Got to love Starbucks!!
a great sketch!
What a nice story, and what a nice man! It's wonderful how a small act like that can go so far to make our day. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Great job on this drawing! That's also a great story about the gentleman's honor of a marine mom!
I know what you mean (in your EDM post) about the Moleskine needing to grow on you -- I'm always torn between mine and my trusy old Canson Drawing book! :-)
What a NEAT story!!! GREAT JOB on the drink, too!! Looks yummy!!
What a neat story indeed. Must remember to practice more Random Acts of Kindness. That is a great one.
Its great to hear that nice things like this really do happen.
What a lovely gesture and drawing to remember it by! Thanks for your reply on EDM (I'm posting too much there today!) Glad I'm not the only non-Moleskine fan :) I got the watercolour one too after the posts but I'm not impressed. I guess it's all the hype that bothers me rather than the actual books!
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